Terms & Conditions of Gym Membership

Terms and conditions of membership -Conditions of payment terms for direct debit and upfront memberships.

When joining online we offer a 10 day cooling off period. As long as you haven’t used the club within the first 14 days of joining online for direct debit memberships we will cancel your subscription but we will not refund the joining fee or first payment. For upfront memberships we can transfer the membership over at a cost of £15. You must notify us by phone or e mail if you wish to do this and then you will receive confirmation it has been cancelled. Any cancellation will only be valid with proof of confirmation that we have acted upon your request. Please DO NOT enter your bank details online if you are not going to complete the joining process by paying the first payment online.

If we have to close for any reason all payments will still be taken and all contracts are still applicable.

Joining FEE our joining fee is £17.50. This is FREE on all memberships 1st -28th February

Direct debit memberships

NO FIXED TERM membership is £37.50permonth between 1st and 31st January 2025 normally £49.50, this memberships require 2 direct debit payments to fulfil the minimum term contract and then to cancel the membership 1 month’s written notice is required.

12 month membership £37.50 per month

If you have chosen to join on the 12 month membership  by monthly by direct debit you have entered into a minimum of 12 months agreement. For Student memberships this is for a minimum of 6 months. During this time you are unable to cancel your membership until the final payment has been paid.

Please note monthly payment amounts are amendable by The Oasis Health Club with one month’s written notice sent via e mail.

Payment dates are as follows if you join 1st-15th of the month your direct debit date will be the 6th monthly, join between the 16th and 31st of the month the date will be the 20th Monthly.

Then 2 options:

  1. If You have chosen to pay your membership monthly by direct debit (12 months). During this time you are unable to cancel your membership until the final payment has been paid. Then 2 options: Student memberships are a minimum of 6 months.NO FIXED term is a minimum of 3 months.
    1) Your direct debit will continue until you give us 30 days’ notice to terminate.
    2) You terminate your membership by giving us 30 days written notice (from your payment date) we will send you confirmation of your final payment and expiry date. If you do not receive this it is your responsibility to contact our membership department otherwise your direct debit will continue.
  2. 2. Any payments rejected by your bank due to insufficient funds will be notified in writing to you and an admin fee of £5.00 will be charged to your account. We will re-apply for the payment within 7-10 days of the original collection date. If you cancel your direct debit within your contract period you will be liable to pay all outstanding membership balance direct to the club and complete a new direct debit mandate.
  3. Members within a 6 or 12 month contract are able to suspend their membership for medical purposes only and for a minimum of 1 month maximum of 3 months during a 12 month period. There will be a minor charge for this of £7.50 per month. A confirmation letter is required from a doctor before we can suspend, you will be required to complete your term of membership after your suspension period.
  4. Direct Debit members are able to suspend their membership for medical or redundancy purposes only. There will be a minor charge for this of £7.50 per month. A confirmation letter is required before we can suspend and for a minimum of 1 month maximum of 3 months during a 12 month period. You will be required to complete your term of membership after your suspension period
  5. Student membership – wrongful information given to obtain or continue discount, will result in back payments for loss of revenue for the length of term discount was not eligible, with any action deemed necessary by the manager. It is your responsibility to notify the membership team if you no longer qualify for your discount.
  6. For security reasons we will take your photo upon joining and may also be required to produce photo identification, i.e. passport or drivers licence with a copy taken for our records.  Members are able to use the clubs Car Park Free of charge by entering your car registration at reception on each entry, it is veryimportant you remember to do this to avoid a parking fine from the car park management company


This is all members and users responsibility when using the club to read and ask staff if unsure about any of the information below.

    All guests must register with reception on arrival. Members are required to produce and swipe their membership card on entry
  • The club must be vacated 5 minutes before closing times.
  • Please be courteous and respectful when speaking to members of staff. They are here to help you and do not deserve verbal abuse of any kind.
  • Children under 16 years old must be accompanied by parent/guardian at all times whilst using the club.
  • Anyone joining with a medical condition which could affect them exercising within the club must be discussed with the Duty Manager on shift and if necessary, a medical note will be requested. Membership can be suspended on medical grounds only and must be accompanied by a medical note.
  • The Manager on duty has the right to ask any member to leave the premises, The general manager has the right to withdraw a member’s membership, if the member is found to have conducted themselves in an abusive manner, caused damage or injury to a staff member, other club members or club property or not followed instructions and notices in all areas. Without refund.
  • The pool area, sauna and steam room will close 30 minutes prior to club closing.
  • Members are asked to observe a good standard of attire and not to enter the club wearing inappropriate clothing. And must wear appropriate footwear.
  • Members use the club entirely at their own risk, the club does not accept any responsibility for the loss or damage to members or guests property.
  • The management reserve the right to amend the Terms and Conditions of membership as and when is required, with given notice to all members.
  • Smoking is strictly prohibited in all areas of the club.
  • Do not enter staff only areas.
  • Members are required to read and abide by all signs and notices.
  • Any sun bed tokens not used are to be handed back to reception to be credited to your card.
  • All complaint or grievances must, in the first instance, be discussed with the manager on shift. And then followed up by the general manager if not resolved at the time.
  • Subject to the provisions of these rules, members are permitted to bring guests, at the appropriate fees. Members are responsible for guests’ behaviour whilst in the club.
  • Lockers will be cleared every night. Anything found will be kept in lost property for one week.
  • All fire exits must be kept clear at all times. In the event of a fire, members and their guests are asked to make their way to the nearest available exit and resume at the fire-assembly point in the car park.
  • The club reserves the right to use any photographs taken by staff or the official club photography, of a member of guest during external social events for its own use only.
  • No cameras are to be used on the premises without prior authorisation from the manager on duty.
  • It is your duty to give your car registration to reception when joining or put in the tablet when using another


Lost property will be kept at reception for 10 days and then disposed of, with the exception of underwear which will be disposed of for health and hygiene purposes.







Only plastic water bottles to be used in the gym.

  • A gym towel must be used to wipe down equipment after use.
  • We request that you clean and replace all equipment after training.
  • Please limit your training on the cardio equipment to 20 minutes during busy periods.
  • You are required to vacate the gym 15 minutes before closing times.
  • At peak times please take into account other members training needs and DO NOT sit on machines in-between sets.
  • For everyone health and safety please return all weights to their racks provided and use the correct techniques.
  • Appropriate clothing and trainers must be worn at all times when using the gym equipment.
  • Doors, windows and fans are all to be operated by staff only.
  • On joining, all members must receive an induction on the use of gym equipment for safety purposes.


  • Please ensure suitable clothing and footwear is worn during all classes. No black soled trainers to be worn.
  • All medical conditions/injuries must be discussed with an instructor before commencing with any class.
  • Only plastic drinks bottles with sports tops are permitted in the studio. There is a water fountain available in the studio.
  • All spillages or perspiration on the floor must be wiped immediately.
  • A proper warm up is essential to avoid muscle injury. Therefore no one will be permitted entry to a class if they are more than 10 minutes late.
  • ONLY authorised STAFF/ INSTRUCTOR are to operate all electrical items and doors, members are only authorised to collect equipment for their own use and report any faults to the instructor immediately.
  • All members have the ability to booked all classes up to 2weeks in advance on the mywellness app and are also requested to cancelled up to 2 hours prior if you are unable to attend.


Children aged 8 and under must use the family area of the changing room in the ladies and use cubicles in the male changing area, all children under the age of 16yrs must be supervised at all times. and over 8 are advised to use their own gender changing room. Under 13’s may use the opposite gender changing room but ONLY when fully supervised at ALL times they are to only change within the separate cubicles and they must shower pool side. From 13 years old they MUST use their own gender changing room.

  • All electrical goods must be switched off when not in use.
  • Members are asked to only use the lockers for the duration of their training session. All belongings must be placed in the lockers provided whilst unattended. Property stored in the lockers is left at your own risk; the club does not accept liability for any loss or damage to members possessions.
  • Male changing rooms a padlock is required – Female changing room a flat round coin is required. These are to secure your belongings and are available to buy at reception.
  • Strictly NO SHAVING in all areas of the club.




  • In the interest of hygiene everyone must use the shower on poolside before using the pool, Spa sauna and steam room, towels must be used when using the pool area to dry off before leaving this area and when showering in changing rooms.
  • Please note that products such as shampoo, shower gel are NOT PERMITTED in the pool area.
  • NO products such as Albas oil are NOT PERMITTED in the CLUB or used in the steam room or sauna.
  • Shouting, running, jumping, diving, nudity, touching, kissing or other types of behaviour that would be considered dangerous or uncomfortable for others in the pool/club is strictly prohibited,
  • Eating and drinking in the pool area is strictly prohibited except for the use of plastic water bottles. Water fountain is provided in the pool area.
  • Please note all aqua/water works classes held in the pool will take priority over swimming.
  • Members are asked to vacate the pool area 30 minutes prior to club closing time.
  • The Jacuzzi, sauna and steam room are strictly prohibited for anyone under the age of 18.
  • Family swim sessions – All participants must stay in the designated area of the pool (the free swim area) with children to be supervised by an adult at all times, no more than 2 children per adult. Parents are asked to keep their child/children under control with limited noise and not to use the Jacuzzi, steam room or sauna whilst supervising their children. Children are NOT allowed in any of these areas. You will only be allowed access to changing areas 10 minutes before the session starts and you must vacate within 20 minutes of the session finishing. Any child not fully potty trained must wear dedicated aqua nappies when they are in the swimming pool. No balls, toys or snorkels, face masks are to be used in the pool at any time.
  • For safety reasons, no person should spend more than the recommended time on the user guides in the steam room, sauna or Jacuzzi.
  • Please be advised not to use the pool or gymnasium immediately after the consumption of large amounts of food and or alcohol.
  • Please use the appropriate precautions if you have a verruca, athletes’ foot or similar ailments.
  • Jewellery, watches or any loose items are recommended to be removed before entering the pool area
  • Shaving is NOT permitted in any areas of the club.
  • Either pool shoe covers to be worn or outdoor shoes removed by all NOT in the water.
  • Strictly NO photography taken in the pool.

Members have the advantage to book Lanes up to 2 weeks through the mywellness app and we request to cancel 2 hours prior if unable to attend.